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As the City of Irvine is transitioning out of the OC Public Libraries (OCPL) system, we remain dedicated to serving you with a vast collection of over 1.7 million items, friendly staff, and welcoming spaces throughout the county. We encourage you to visit one of our many branches and continue to be part of our library community.

Yes. At its August 27, 2024, meeting, the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved the transition of library services from the County of Orange to the City of Irvine. The transition of Irvine library operations from OCPL to the City of Irvine will take place July 1, 2025.

There are no reductions in service at the Irvine locations. Please see the calendars for programs, bookclubs, storytimes and events. Heritage Park, University Park and Wheeler libraries will have reduced hours beginning April 1, 2025. Libraries will be closed on Sundays and will close early Monday-Thursday at 6:00 pm. No changes to Friday and Saturday hours. They remain the same at 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

The City of Irvine will assume operation of the Heritage Park and University Park branches after June 30, 2025 and Katie Wheeler after December 31, 2025. Heritage Park and University Park Libraries will close May 16, 2025, and Katie Wheeler on July 1, 2025, to facilitate the transition.

The OCPL county collection will be transferred to the remaining member libraries. Holds can be placed at any of the remaining 29 libraries and items will be delivered to your OCPL branch of choice in a day or two. Some books will remain at Heritage Park and University Park to supplement the city’s new collection.

We deeply appreciate the incredible work our library team does each day to support our communities. As part of our plans, all library staff currently stationed in Irvine will be transferring to other locations.

Your OCPL library card will continue to provide access to all 29 remaining OCPL locations, as well as our full collection, digital resources such as Libby (ebooks & audiobooks) and Freegal (music streaming) and other services.

Unless you update your preferred pickup location in your account, the Heritage Park library holds will be available at the Tustin Library and University Park library holds will be available at Costa Mesa Donald Dungan after May 16th. The Katie Wheeler library holds will be available at Tustin after July 1st.

The last day to place an OCPL InterLibrary Loan request at an Irvine branch will be March 23, 2025. After that date, patrons may place their requests at any other OCPL location.

Items borrowed from OCPL must be returned to an OCPL branch. The Heritage Park and University Park bookdrops will remain open through June 30, 2025 and the Katie Wheeler bookdrop will remain open through August 1, 2025. For a list of OCPL library locations, please see here.

The closest OCPL locations to Irvine include Tustin, Costa Mesa, and the El Toro and Foothill Ranch Libraries in Lake Forest.

If you have any other questions, please contact us