• Make a difference! • Learn new skills! • Meet new people!
Help your community and enhance OC Public Libraries’ ability to deliver quality service. Volunteers provide essential assistance, enthusiasm, energy, talents, and a new perspective. You will be trained by professional staff to help where needed.
To apply complete the Volunteer Application found HERE.
Bring it to your local branch of OC Public Libraries and inquire about current volunteer opportunities. Click HERE to find a branch near you.
Volunteers 18 years of age and older will be subject to a Volunteer Criminal Background Check
We appreciate your willingness to share your time and abilities with OC Public Libraries.
An estimated 23% of adults in Orange County do not read and write well to meet their needs as family members, workers and members of the community. YOU CAN HELP! Whether you want to become a volunteer or get help with reading and writing, there are many ways to get involved with READ/OC. Together, we can create a more literate Orange County!
Click HERE to find out more information about volunteering with OC Read.