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Celebrating National Poetry Month

Poetry Speaks Reading Series



Wed | Apr 6 | 6pm

A Poetry Reading with the OC Youth Poet Laureate

Join us for the first event in our Poetry Speaks Reading Series, with Orange County’s first Youth Poet Laureate, Tina Mai, and Honorable Mention, Ariyah Nichol Brown. Listen to the poets read their work, talk about what inspires them, and answer questions about their experience with LibroMobile’s Youth Poet Laureate Program.

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Wed | Apr 13 | 6pm

A Poetry Panel with Local Voices

The Poetry Speaks Reading Series brings together poets Kim Dower, Steven Reigns, and Ellen Webre for a conversation about writing, inspiration, and what it means to be a poet today. Come listen to the discussion and then get the chance to ask the poets questions about their work.   

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Wed | Apr 20 | 6pm

Poetry Open Mic Night

Come flex your poetry reading skills at the Poetry Open Mic Night, part of April’s Poetry Speaks Reading Series. Share your poetry, get practice reading in front of a (virtual) audience, or just sit back and enjoy listening as other poets read their work.

To get the Zoom link, email





Wed | Apr 27 | 6pm

A Poetry Reading with the OC Poet Laureate

The Poetry Speaks Reading Series culminates with a poetry reading by OC Poet Laureate, Dr. Natalie Graham, and Honorable Mention, Gustavo Hernandez. Come hear the poets read some of their poems, talk about their experience with LibroMobile’s O.C. Poet Laureates program, and answer questions from the audience.

To get the Zoom link, email