One-Stop Centers in Orange County
- Career planning
- Counseling
- Stress management
- Develop an individualized employment plan
Job Search Facilities
- Free access to Internet, fax machines, phones and copiers
- Personal computers
- Free computer assistance in Word, Excel and Powerpoint
- TDD phone for the hearing impaired
Employment Assistance
- Unemployment claim
- Employee rights and laws
- Referrals to other services
Education & Training
- On-the-Job-Training
- Training in a demand occupation
- Short-term prevocational education classes
- Basic skills training in reading, writing, math, GED preparation and ESL
- Job listings
- Employer contacts
- Employer on-site interviews
- Direct placement
Labor Market Information
- Information on wages and trends
- Employer benefits
One-Stop Centers
Knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you at our One-Stop Centers listed below:
Orange County One-Stop Center - North
7077 Orangewood Ave., Ste. 200
Garden Grove, CA 92841
800-735-2922 or 711 TDD/TTY
Click here for a map and driving directions
Orange County One-Stop Center - South
17891 Cartwright Road
Irvine, CA 92614
800-735-2922 or 711 TDD/TTY
Click here for a map and driving directions
OC4Vets - Veterans Reemployment Office
1300 S. Grand Avenue, Bldg. B
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Telephone: (714) 480-6506
Click here for a map and driving directions
Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base
11200 Lexington Dr. Bldg. 244
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Telephone: 562-296-5722
Click here for a map and driving directions
For cities of Anaheim and Santa Ana, please contact following centers:
Anaheim Workforce Connection
201 South Anaheim Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92805
714-765-4376 TTY
Click here for a map and driving directions
Santa Ana WORK Center
801 West Civic Center Drive
Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Click here for a map and driving directions

The Orange County Development Board is a proud partner of America’s Job Center of California℠ network.