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Celebrate National Poetry Month in April and watch these videos to learn more. Want even more videos?  Go to Access Video on Demand at OCPL.ORG! (

The Lure of Poetry
DESCRIPTION: This program features the poems of Louis Jenkins, Hal Sirowitz, Philip Levine, Joy Harho, Robert Creeley, Brenda Hillman, Robert Hass , and others. In addition, several poets discuss poetry as work and what it’s like to share a life of poetry with fellow writers; young winners of a statewide poetry contest read several of their poems; and advice for fledgling poets is offered. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. 



Dramatic Monologues 
DESCRIPTION: What do stand-up comedians and Victorian poets have in common? More than you might think! Discover the ancient roots of the poetic form of dramatic monologue and all its very special qualities. Then, drive into the Victorian era and plumb the depths of Thennyson’s and Browning’s most famous dramatic monologue poems. 



Poetry Slam
DESCRIPTION: A poetry slam is a competition, a celebration of language, and an opportunity to be heard. Watch poets perform their works in ways that engage the audience, and learn about this unique form of performance art. A National Geographic Production. 



Great African-American Poetry Performed
DESCRIPTION: On this episode of Camera Three, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee perform poetry about the African-American experience. Excerpts include verses form Paul Laurence Dunbar, Sterling Brown, Frank Home, Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Margaret Walker. 
